Thursday, July 10, 2014

Cyan Day

 Cyan Dress

After posting this on instagram this cyan dress is still on my head and I just can't stop loving it. For sure everyone will be attracted to this dress just like me. Having five diamond studs on the neck line plus its soft fabric and shiny color won't make you regret wearing it. Available on Singapore and Korea.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Mix and Match : Red Sponge Flowers

Mix and Match : Red Sponge Flowers: This Red and Black dress with the detailed sponge bob’s flowers won’t fail you to admire the beauty of the sea. The stand out color ...

Monday, February 10, 2014

Red Sponge Flowers

This Red and Black dress with the detailed sponge bob’s flowers won’t fail you to admire the beauty of the sea. The stand out color and different fabric from the others will make you unique yet stylish.